Sue & Jimmy: Porters on the Lane

April 17, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

This weekend kicked off what hopes to be a busy year of shooting. In what seemed like no time at all we managed to get together, discuss and shoot what turned out to be the best wedding I have shot! Sue and Jimmy were an absolute joy to deal with from the first phone call up until the end of the night. From the beginning they stressed that they, along with the wedding were as low key as low key can get. They explained that this was to be a small gathering of their closest family and friends being more of a party than anything else. Needless to say it was a party and by the end of the night I felt as if I had known everyone there for my whole life. Never have I been around a more welcoming group of people, it was all a photographer could hope for. They held the ceremony and reception and Porters on the Lane in Bellport L.I. The food was magnificent and the staff was friendly and attentive. The weather was perfect, the day was perfect and I hope this selection of shots helps relay what an amazing day two very amazing and more importantly deserving people had. Congrats guys, I hope you enjoy this post from Mexico!


From the minute we arrived at the ceremony I just knew that this day was going to be one like no other. There was such a buzz running through the aisles, you could truly tell how happy everyone in attendance was for them.


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